3rd International Workshop on
Frontiers in Environmental Chemical Research
in honor of Prof. Michael Hoffmann’s 70th Birthday
Date: November 11 (Fri), 2016
Venue: Environmental Eng. Bldg. #Rm 112, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea
Time |
Invited Speaker |
Lecture Title |
10:00-10:10 |
Prof. Hoffmann (CALTECH) |
Welcome address |
10:10-10:45 |
Detlef Bahnemann (Leibniz U Hannover, Germany) |
Converting Solar Energy into Storable Fuels: Understanding the Chemistry of the Underlying Photocatalytic Processes |
10:45-11:20 |
Jae Sung Lee (UNIST, Korea) |
Materials and Systems for Stand-Alone Solar Fuel Production |
11:20-11:55 |
Bunsho Ohtani (Hokkaido U, Japan) |
Fundamental Aspects of Particulate Photocatalysis beyond a Model of Micro-photoelectrochemical cell: Electron Traps and Light-intensity Dependence |
12:00-1:30 |
Lunch |
1:30-2:05 |
Kazuhito Hashimoto (NIMS, Japan) |
Extracellular Electron Transfer via Conductive Minerals |
2:05-2:40 |
Gang Yu (Tsinghua U, China) |
Catalytic destruction of UPOPs in flue gas of municipal waste incinerator: from laboratory to pilot |
2:40-3:05 |
Kwang-Ho Choo (Kyungpook U, Korea) |
Submerged membrane photoreactor treatment for water detoxification and reuse |
3:05-3:30 |
Hyunwoong Park (Kyungpook U, Korea) |
Stand alone CO2 photoconversion to value-added chemicals |
3:30-3:50 |
Break |
3:50-4:25 |
Xie Quan (Dalian U of Tech., China) |
Electrocatalytic reduction based strategy for removal of halogenated organic pollutants from water |
4:25-4:50 |
Kangwoo Cho (KIST, Korea) |
Environmental Electrochemistry: Achievements with Prof. Hoffmann and Their Continuation |
4:50-5:25 |
Tai Kyu Lee (NanoPac, Korea) |
NANOPAC Electrochemical Anode for Human Wastewater Treatment |
5:25-5:50 |
Wonyong Choi (POSTECH, Korea) |
Environmental Redox Processes at Interfaces: 25 years’ research inspired by Prof. Hoffmann |
Closing remarks |
Organizer: Wonyong Choi, POSTECH
(contact: wchoi@postech.edu; Tel. +82-54-279-2283)
Organizing and Sponsoring Institutes: POSTECH, BK21 Plus Program (Global Nexus for Environment, Energy and Climate), Global Research Lab. (NRF)